Monday, November 7, 2011

Research: Day 3

 DAY 3-  RESEARCH :  How does your topic impact your future digital footprint?

1. Today only 15 percent of the world has Internet access, and only 4 percent has broadband.
2. Among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, Texas ranks 39th in percentage of households with a computer, 37th in percentage of households with Internet access, and 30th in percentage of households with broadband access
3.It is estimated that top 20 countries in terms of Internet bandwidth are home to roughly 80% of all Internet users worldwide.
4. Discrepancies in international Internet bandwidth - the critical infrastructure that dictates the speed at which websites in other countries can be accessed - are nothing short of astounding. Tiny Denmark has more than twice the international Internet bandwidth that the whole of Latin American and the Caribbean combined.
5. The high cost of international bandwidth is often a major constraint, with developing countries often having to pay the full cost of a link to a hub in a developed country. More than 40 countries have less than 10Mbps of international Internet bandwidth, whereas in Belgium, a 9Mbps ADSL high-speed Internet package is available for just EUR 60 a month.
6. There are still 30 countries with an Internet penetration of less than 1%.


7. The available languages on the internet are another major source of digital divide. About 80% of the websites are in English and the rest of them which account for 20% are mostly written in French, Spanish, German, Japanese and Chinese.
                                                     Proportion of households in possession of broadband                
      source                                          enabled computers in selected    countries: 2010

8. In 2010 there were 2.0 billion Internet users worldwide, having doubled from 1.0 billion in 2005. China had the largest number of Internet users in the world in 2010, at 418.9 million, followed 

by the USA at 248.2 million;

9. China will have the world's biggest number of broadband subscribers in 2020, at 226.7 million, while the total number of Internet users will be 945.5 million in developed countries by 2020, compared to 2.8 billion in emerging and developing countries. The ITU has targeted having broadband access for half the world's population by 2015, while Brazil is targeting broadband access in 68.0% of households by 2014, and the UK wants universal broadband access by 2015. 

10. n nominal terms, China has seen the largest increase in the number of broadband subscribers: they rose by 74.4 million between 2005 and 2010, an annual average growth of 24.5%. China has the world's largest number of Internet users, at 418.9 million in 2010;

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