Thursday, October 27, 2011

Vocab Story:

Samantha was very upset at the kind of behavior that Sarah during 1st period. Usually, Sarah is the person who displays the most courtesy and today she has a very negative attitude towards the classmates. It was obvious, by the tone in her voice, that something was wrong. Samantha asked her if she was ok and she heard what she had feared the most. The emotion on samantha faced echoed what she had been so worried about, she was being flamed by some troll online. Both of the girls decided to search them up. The found a URL to the website in wich she was being bullied in and did some research; they found that the actions of the troll were not legal.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


 Netiquette: Even thought everyone should know how to practice good netiquette it is obvious that that is not the case.
 Conduct: Our conduct is totally up to our choices.
 Troll: Those who like to start fights are known as trolls online.
 Anonymous: Sometimes it is safer to stay anonymous, but when you insult someone online it is not ok.
 Flame: Flaming hurts people's feelings.
 Emotion: My emotions are what matter the most.
 Obvious: The obvious answer is not always the right one.
 Tone: The tone you use in your messages can determine the meaning of your words.
 Sms: The SMS system was the best thing ever created.
 Ethical: Being ethica means that you  are able to make the right choices.
 Unethical:  People who are unethical tend to be those who cheat.
 Legal: The legal
 Boolean Search: The boor lean search helps many people narrow their searches.
 Url: The URL of some websites are very unusual.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Evaluation on Investigate:
 When we started working on the process of  investigating tools we could use to teach the design cycle, I feel like I did not get much useful information on web based tools that I would use to teach the design cycle to the 6th graders. I think I list a lot of time due to the fact that I did not look a lot into them and those in which I did were a lost of my time. There were some good options but honestly I could not see myself making something that I did not fully understand....
so that is when I decided to go for the game board. Which in the end was probably the best decision I made.

Evaluation on  Design:
 My three design were very different and not very realistic. I wanted to do so much and I didn't realize how much work it actually took to make it happen. But in the end I came through and my game board looked pretty good. I could of probably  gone for a simpler design that took less time to make, but I wanted to work on something that show some of my technology skills.I think that I let my imagination go crazy and that kind of frustrated me once i was given the green light to start creating my game board.

Evaluation on Plan:
 I liked the Gant thing we used to calculate the amount of time it would take us to complete the create tage of our project. Once we were there, I actually began to think about how much time it would take me to complete the project and I began to panic. In the end it would take me about 550 minutes to have every part of my game board done. Atleast I had an idea of how much work, time and effort it was gonna take me,  so that was good. I tried to add time that I did not necesarily needed so that my goal of completing my tasks would be realistic. It was safe to say I kind of exxagerated but it was fine could I was able to get it done on time.

Evaluation on Create:
   So I had began working on this stage during class and realized that it was not gonna be so easy to do so, so I got to work immediatly. I had some issues working with the design of my project and in the end I had to make a scale model on paper just so that I would be able to visualize the final product. I color coded each stage of the design cycle and added pictures realted to each to ensure a certain level of understanding. The game cards were the ones that took me some time to figure out due to the fact that I wanted thme to be double sided and I had to figure out how to do so. I think that this was what actually took me the longest and what gave me the worst headache. After all of that was out of the way I realized I need the little moving thingies.... So I decided to recycle them from an old monopoly game.

Evaluation on Evaluate:
  I  would like to think that I reflected in every stage to the best of my abilities. I know my product could of been better, but honestly I think my game board came out pretty well. I think I was successful in the creation of my product. Based on the surveys I got from the 6th graders after they played my game, I came to the conclusion that they had an idea of what the design cycle was becouse they both got 6/7 correct and answered the bonus question right. But I think that what was more important is that they liked it and learned while they were having fun and so I feel like I was successful.

Evaluation on Attitudes in Technology:
  In this final criteria I find myself to have been doing very well throughout this long and stressfull process. I was able to stay positive, most of the time. I  tried my best on helping those around me be successful and understand what they were doing. I liked having the liberty to do what we wanted and they way we wanted. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

IA Part 2

1.How can my learning serve my community?
I believe that everyone's contributions to our community define who we are and who we will become in the future. As a piece of the puzzle of this world everyone's imput is needed inorder to succed. By applying our knowledge and previous experience we make better decisions and therefor the final outcome of whatever we are doing is better.

2. How can your future projects become better?
 Future projects , I think, should always be better. By applying the knowledge you gained in the past and the ideas of you have at the time, you have an amazing formula to the creation of somethat that much better.
3. What have you learned about yourself and what you will continue to do or not do and why?
 I have learned that I like to work hard and like big goals, because I like the satisfaction of knowing I accomplished something nobody else dared to do. I will continue to this and get better at managing what I get done and in what period of time so that I am not stressing out at the end when things are due.
4. How do you feel about your final product? What would you rate yourself on the Rubric scale of 1-6 for each part of the Assessment Criterion?
 I would say that based on how things worked out, I would rate myself a 6 in all of the categories b/c in the end my product came out good, and I wouldn't have been able to do so without doing all of the previous steps right.
5. What would you do differently in regards to your planning and execution of your plan?
 Actually I am the person that believes that the planning stage is the hardest just because its a hassel trying to figure out what to do when. I would probably try to be more realistic as to what gets done on certaind days.  There were alot of variables that kept me from performing to the max during this project but in the end it looked good and it helped me teach the design cycle to the 6th graders.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Testing of Product:

 So today we got the chance to work with the 6th graders.  Two of them came into our lab and played with my game board. They seem to be very interested, but I feel like it was too easy. They were able to finish playing one round in about 5 minutes. But I feel like the fact that they were only two people playing made it the same shorter and they were really in to it really helped make the time go faster. I noticed that maybe the dice having 6 sides might have been made the game go faster, so I might need to modify the dice thing. But other than that they seemed to enjoy it, I noticed they were asking questions about what each step was about based on the pictures I put and how I color coded them so that was good. I was given the opportunity to explain to them more less what the design cycle was about and what it was used for and I think they got a really good idea of what it stands for and how it helps not only in school, but also in our everyday life.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Evaluation Survey


What is the 6st stage in the Design Cycle?

What is the 2st stage in the Design Cycle?

What is the 1st stage in the Design Cycle?

What is the 4st stage in the Design Cycle?

What is the 3st stage in the Design Cycle?

What is the 5st stage in the Design Cycle?

What is the Investigation stage all about?

Which part is the hardest?

Extra Credit:
How does the Attitudes in Technology stage help or hurt you in the process of your project?


   As of this morning my project is officially complete. During this three day weekend I decided to finish all the details of my game board and put it together. I finalized my design once I was actually making all of the components of my game. I made it very color coded and made sure it grabbed the players attention. The Investigation stage is red and has clip art that relate to the theme of questioning, investigation and researching. The Design stage is blue and has a lot of pictures that relate to coming up with different design for the project. The planning stage is yellow, I added calendar pictures and stuff that symbolized time management and emphasis the importance of scheduling out stuff. The create stage is purple. I put some pictures of people making different things and actually putting things together. The evaluation stage is green. I put pictures of people going over their work, testing and making sure what they did was right. Lastly the last stage I decided to add was the attitude in technology and that was pink in here I decided to add a picture of people being positive and helping each other out.
   I also decided to create2 sets of little cards that the players would get if they were to land on certain spaces during the game. One being the "Titan Pass" and the other the "Hall Pass". These cards will get you out of "The Office" or make you restart the whole game it just depends on your luck.
   In the end I changed a lot of the dimensions for the size of my spaces, My board went from being 24x24 to 20x20 because the trifold is 20x40. 
   I do not want to be conceded, but I do want to be honest so I feel like I would give myself a 5 1/2 because there is always room for improvement. But at the same time I feel like my project was really good, but I know I am being bias since it's mine and in the end  I was the only one that actually worked on it so I deserve some credit.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

So today I finalized my design and started working on the dimensions of my board and color coding every part of the design cycle. I decided that I would have 6 different colors each for every stage of the cycle and then another color for the start and the end spaces.